Economic Restructuring Committee Mission Statement:


Economic Restructuring Committee Mission Statement:

The Economic Restructuring Committee, through energetic leadership and vision,strives to retain and foster new businesses, assess needs of our Main Street community, providing educational opportunities, building relationships and creating a fun environment with a vibrant economic culture in Downtown Grayling.

The Economic Restructuring Committee, through energetic leadership and vision,strives to retain and foster new businesses, assess needs of our Main Street community, providing educational opportunities, building relationships and creating a fun environment with a vibrant economic culture in Downtown Grayling.

The role of the Economic Vitality Committee is to identify new market opportunities for the traditional commercial district, find new uses for historic commercial buildings, and stimulate investment in property. Our committee must develop a thorough understanding of the district’s economic condition and its best opportunities, focusing on incremental changes that gradually improve the area’s economic foundation and eventually make large-scale investment possible.

The Economic Vitality Committee’s responsibilities include:

Learning about the district’s current economic condition and identifying opportunities for market growth.

Strengthening existing businesses and recruiting new ones.

Finding new economic uses for traditional Main Street buildings.

Developing financial incentives and capital for building rehabilitation and business development.

Monitoring the economic performance of the district, by conducting, or coordinating, market research for the district and surrounding areas periodically.

Collaboration with other Main Street committees to promote economic development through organization, promotion, and design the align with the strategic vision of the Grayling Main Street program.

Synchronize business development with real estate improvement.  Work with the Design Committee to balance real estate and business development, gradually accelerating the pace as district’s market improves.

An effective Promotions Committee member will demonstrate these and other characteristics:

An effective Promotions Committee member will demonstrate these and other characteristics:

  • Knows, or has a willingness to learn and support the Main Street 4-Point Approach.
  • Has a basic understanding of the economic circumstances of small retailers.
  • Has skills or interest in retail, economic development, community planning, real estate, accounting, and/or finance.
  • Has a genuine desire to serve on the committee.
  • Expresses self clearly, yet eagerly exchanges ideas with others.
  • Keeps an open mind about new ideas.
  • Thinks about the ‘big picture,” striving to focus on details that support the strategic vision of the Grayling Main Street Program.
  • Cooperates willingly in a team effort.
  • Stays focused on the task at hand.
  • Rolls up sleeves willingly and pitches in to do the committee’s work.
  • Carries out plans and projects in a timely and​ professional manner.

Economic Vitality Committee
Meeting Dates

Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Grayling City Hall
Date: Third Tuesday of the month

This committee presently meets with the Project Rising Tide Steering Committee, due to the overlap of current projects.

*Meeting dates/times are subject to change if needed.

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